ICCROM Archives
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Office of the Director General

Type Section
Date 1946-2023

Genre - Form



Unit of measurement
box file


This section includes records generated by the Office of the Director-General, concerning ICCROM’s creation and its relations with both Member States and partner institutions, including memberships, joint agreements, correspondence and mission reports.

Records also relate to ICCROM’s legal status and headquarter agreements signed with Italy and the United Arab Emirates; activities undertaken by ICCROM’s Director-Generals; development of policies and procedures for the management of the Organization; personnel management; execution of the Programme of Activities and Budget; as well as ICCROM incoming and outgoing mail, and records related to the Association of Friends of ICCROM.


Records are available for consultation when 20 years have passed from their creation date, and no restrictions are applied to them. For a full explanation of our access policy, please refer to ICCROM Records and Archives Access Rules and Procedures, available in the frontpage of this website.

Final number
